The following reads are my personal recommendations. Each of these books has had a profound impact on my life in one way or another. Pick one, you won't be disappointed.

Stealing Fire - Jeremy Jensen

Stealing fire

steven kotler and Jamie wheal, 2017

Honestly, this is probably the best book I’ve read in recent memory. It’s all about flow states: the benefits, the downfalls, the history, and the science. In my humble opinion, harnessing flow states are is one of the most effective ways to optimize your life and get kick ass results.

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Barbarian Days

William Finnegan, 2016

I read a lot of non-fiction, I mean a lot. However, from time to time a straight up autobiographic novel hits the spot. This book is so well written it’s scary, and the story - evokes total envy and nostalgia factor. Definitely can see why it snagged a Pulitzer Prize.

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The chuting gallery

Andrew McLean, 1998

The definitive guide to skiing couloirs in the Wasatch. I’ve ticked off a hand full of these, and would love to complete the book at some point - just don't spend as much time in SLC as I used to - but still, no fucking excuses!


Start with why

simon sinek, 2011

I can credit this book for helping me discover what the hell it is that I want to do with my life. Sinek’s Golden Circle and Start With Why model is so profound on so many levels. If you find yourself stuck on not knowing where to start or what you’re interested in, read this book!

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rolf potts, 2002

So far, I’ve only thumbed through this book on occasion. I’d like to try and dedicate the time it deserves in the near future because it comes very highly recommended.


The subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Mark Manson, 2016

 I absolutely love this book. It’s probably the most refreshing read I’ve picked up in a long time, mostly because Mark has such a unique perspective on things and is completely unapologetic for it - fuck yeah.


A Guide to the Good Life

William Irving, 2008

This is one of my go-to’s in the early morning hours right after my mediation practice. It’s all about Stoicism, and Irving does a great job of translating the ancient philosophy into modern applications.

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The War of Art

Steve Pressfield, 2002

One of my all-time favorite books EVER. Seriously, my marked-up version of this book is a prize possession that I cherish like almost nothing else. I got so much out of this book, mostly because it is so well written and formatted in these small digestible nuggets that you’ll want to put its content on post-its all over your house.

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Growth Hacker Marketing

Ryan Holiday, 2013

Pretty much everything you need to know about guerrilla marketing. Great read for those with a cheap marketing budget or looking for quick and easy ways to reach your audience.

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Perennial Seller

Ryan Holiday, 2017

Honestly, I haven’t made much progress on this book - but I’ve read enough that I know it has a lot of value. I’ll get to it, the list is just soooo long;-)

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Robert Cialdini, 1984

Classic. Probably the best book out there for learning about the psychology of selling. For those new to the game, you really should be starting with a basic understanding of psychology and what motivates/persuades human beings.

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Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, 2013

Great read from the boys at Basecamp. The book is broken into small, digestible chunks and has lots of insight on how to think differently about what’s important when running a business.

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The Quarter-Life Breakthrough

Smiley Poswolsky, 2014

Great read from a friend of mine about how to take a leap from not knowing what you want or how to get it to defining a road map to find meaningful work. Especially targeted towards millennial populations.

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Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill, 1937

Another absolute classic. Look when this book was written! Yet it truly stands the test of time and people still cite it as one of the best reads for thinking and acting on building the life and career of your dreams. I loved this book and I’m glad I ran into early in my journey because it was foundational.

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How Children Succeed

Paul Tough, 2012

Kind of a random topic, but I breezed through this book because I found the whole attachment theory concept so fascinating. If you’re interested in how we are set up to succeed or fail (which is fixable) at such an early age, this book is fantastic.

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Carol Dweck, 2006


Designing Your Life

Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, 2017


The $100 Startup

Chris Guillebeau, 2012

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How To Be Everything

Emilie Wapnick, 2017

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Angela Duckworth, 2016

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Desert Solitaire

Edward Abbey, 1968

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Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

Annie Dillard, 1974

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Work on Purpose

Lara Galinsky and Kelly Nuxoll, 2016

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Chip Heath and Dan Heath, 2013


Tools of Titans, 2016

Tim Ferriss


The 4-Hour Workweek

Tim Ferriss, 2007


The Power of Habit

Charles Duhigg, 2012


The Lean Startup

Eric Ries, 2011


Start Something That Matters

Blake Mycoskie, 2012


Rich Dad Poor Dad

Robert Kiyosaki, 1997


Strengths Finder 2.0

Tom Rath, 2007


The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

Al Ries and Jack Trout, 1993


Deep Work

Cal Newport, 2016


Guns, Germs and Steel

Jared Diamond, 1999

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Earth in Mind

David Orr, 1994