Today on the show, I have the quintessential adventurepreneur. Not only is Julian Carr an amazing pro athlete with multiple world records to his name, but he is also a successful business owner and environmental activist. 

Julian is widely recognized for the biggest airs in skiing. He’s the guy who does front flips off 200 foot cliffs. Yeah you heard me right, he holds the height world record for inverted cliff sends - 210 feet to be exact. He’s been featured in countless ski magazines and movies and if you haven’t seen his heart thumping footage, you owe yourself a google. 

Julian is also the founder of Discrete Clothing and Cirque Series, an adventure running race series in the Western US. Since clearly he has plenty of time on his hands with everything he is up to, on the side he likes to put together massive kickstarter campaigns to run scientifically-backed climate change commercials for the super bowl. 

Julian - on behalf of everyone everywhere, thanks for making us feel like a lazy sack of shit.

All kidding aside, Julian is the type of guy you just want to have a beer with. He’s as humble and down to earth as they get, and whether it’s skiing, business, some zen mindset techniques, or even the physics of cliff jumping, your bound to be intrigued and have lots to talk about.

Show Notes and Resources:

Julian's Instragram

Discrete Clothing

Cirque Series

Rich Peterson

Brant Moles

Will Wisman

Scott Markewitz

Adam Clark

Steve Llyod

Jamie Pierre

Protect Our Winters

Weld (digital marketing)